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In a highly-competitive pharmaceutical industry, sustained success rest upon streamlined operations, strategic alignment, and effecti…
3 minutes readA prominent Japanese education conglomerate specializing in education and publishing enlisted the expertise of a research consultant …
3 minutes readA prominent internet services provider firm set its sights on expanding into the rapidly growing South-East Asia (SEA) market. They a…
3 minutes readOur client is a renowned non-profit technology organization that aims to drive social impact and technological advancement in various…
3 minutes readA US non-profit technology organization faced formidable challenges delivering impactful business presentations to various stakeholde…
3 minutes readThe construction material industry is ripe with potential, and our client, a renowned manufacturer, sought to explore new vistas beyo…
3 minutes readFeeBee, our community-driven fee benchmarking tool, helps independent consultants remove a key source of ambiguity from freelancing an…
1 minute readFeeBee, our community-driven fee benchmarking tool, helps independent consultants remove a key source of ambiguity from freelancing an…
1 minute readIf the answer to the question asked in the title of this piece is no, then you aren't alone.Our recently conducted survey reveals…
3 minutes readAs an independent Consultant, you learn a lot about yourself. You face challenges great and small that you would never have as an empl…
4 minutes readMeraki, they say in Greek, for giving “something of yourself” into what you do. For some of us, the Meraki quotient, the need for doin…
5 minutes readA lot of us who are new to working independently face the problem of not knowing exactly what to charge, and may often lose projects d…
14 minutes readThe idea of working on your own terms sounds appealing. Making money from such an enterprise adds a totally different perspective to t…
4 minutes readGet high-quality content delivered to your inbox and stay on top of the game. Subscribe now!