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Insights for the Future of Work

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How a Flexing IT Chief of Staff (CoS) Consultant Streamlined Success For A UAE-Based…

In a highly-competitive pharmaceutical industry, sustained success rest upon streamlined operations, strategic alignment, and effecti…

3 minutes read read

Data-Backed Success: How a Flexing It Consultant Helped Grow a Japanese Education Ap…

A prominent Japanese education conglomerate specializing in education and publishing enlisted the expertise of a research consultant …

3 minutes read read

Gaining Ground: A Flexing It Consultant's Contribution to Market Penetration in Sout…

A prominent internet services provider firm set its sights on expanding into the rapidly growing South-East Asia (SEA) market. They a…

3 minutes read read

Empowering Non-Profit Success: Flexing It's Financial Analyst Consultant Creates a M…

Our client is a renowned non-profit technology organization that aims to drive social impact and technological advancement in various…

3 minutes read read

From Jargon to Clarity: A Success Story of Business Presentation Transformation For …

A US non-profit technology organization faced formidable challenges delivering impactful business presentations to various stakeholde…

3 minutes read read

From Government Projects to Private Triumphs: Building Channel Engagement Strategy b…

The construction material industry is ripe with potential, and our client, a renowned manufacturer, sought to explore new vistas beyo…

3 minutes read read


test_heading1 Blog descriptions of up to 220 characters should be clear and concise while fitting within space limits. This sentence i…

1 minute read read

How to Create Your Skill Profile on Flexing It: A Comprehensive Guide

To attract top clients and land high-value projects, it's critical to build a strong skill profile on Flexing It. This profile ac…

4 minutes read read

How to Create an Account on Flexing It: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're a consultant looking for high-value freelance projects from Industry leaders such as Microsoft, Pfizer, Unilever, Mars …

4 minutes read read

Getting Started as a Freelancer with Flexing It: A Guide for Experienced Professiona…

Getting Started as a Freelancer with Flexing It: A Guide for Experienced Professionals The freelance market, valued at $455 billion in…

4 minutes read read

Starting Your Freelancing Journey: A Beginner's Guide

Starting Your Freelancing Journey: A Beginner's GuideWhile it is exciting to take your first step to becoming an independent cons…

7 minutes read read

You shouldn't treat HR as an avoidable cost. And now you don't need to!

Once a business idea strikes and takes shape in an entrepreneur’s mind, he or she is in a tearing hurry to give it life and form. And…

4 minutes read read

Launching a new brand for the digital Indian consumer

For entrepreneurs looking to capitalise on India’s new found digital dividend, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) is a truly attractive…

5 minutes read read

What makes me unique!

I still remember like it was yesterday, me heavily pregnant sitting in front of the computer for a Skype interview call from ISB with …

6 minutes read read

Consultant's Log 8: 5 Qs with Rakesh Bhatia

In his 30+ years of work, Rakesh Bhatia has held multiple leadership roles in organisations such as DCM Shriram Ltd., CESC, India Powe…

1 minute read read

Consultant's Log 7: 5 Qs with Tulika Majumdar

Tulika Majumdar has 6+ years of work experience. She studied at IIT, Roorkee followed by a Masters in Science from Stanford University…

1 minute read read

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